Knuckle Mag No. 6

Knuckle Mag No. 6

ab CHF 3.60

Knuckle Mag No. 6

Our latest issue covers infrastructure. We tackled a huge topic, both figuratively and literally, for this 6th edition of Knuckle. We dive into everything it takes to run a ski resort—most obviously—but we also dig deeper. What happened to all the snow parks in the fall, now being privatized and only accessible to big money and competitive athletes? Are Big Air competitions held in Saudi Arabia, a dry desert country, an option worth following? How much does an ACL surgery cost around the globe?

We also discuss the prevalence of ADHD within the skiing scene, how to take a clean poop on the mountain when infrastructure is lacking, and even looked into the stars to figure out the season horoscope. Plus, we explore America's parking lot culture, some important fake news, and much more!

Most importantly, we had the "Super Friendly Society" crew join our expanded editorial team, and they contributed 16 beautiful pages about transforming spaces.

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